Join us for the next PTSA meeting at 5 P.M. in the library! Learn how important your involvement is, even at the middle school level. Everyone is welcome!

There will be a parent workshop immediately following the PTSA meeting on Social Media Safety.
Both will be hosted in library.
Hosted in Library
This meeting will include discussing this year’s 8th grade events. We encourage all 8th grade parents to attend.
Our PTSA Board of Directors election for the 2020/2021 school year is scheduled for May 21st at 5:00 pm.
This election will be held via Zoom. If you would like to participate in the election/meeting please contact info@halecharterptsa.
The first Hale Charter Academy PTSA virtual meeting is this Thursday, September 17th at 5pm. If you would like the zoom login information please send your request to [email protected]
If you were in attendance at the last meeting please keep an eye on your email for meeting information as you will be receiving it. We look forward to seeing you there!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 1763 8844
Please email [email protected] for zoom information.
After the meeting there will be a presentation on Cyber Security. A representative from the FBI will be there to discuss how to keep yourself and your children safe while using the internet. Learn the best ways to keep accounts secure and helpful tips for using social media safely.
This presentation will be available via Microsoft Teams. Please click the link below to join. If you experience difficulties accessing the meeting, instructions are attached.
Please use this link for the meeting too.
The next Hale Charter Academy PTSA virtual meeting is Tuesday, May 18th at 6pm. If you would like the zoom login information please send your request to [email protected]
If you have any questions please email [email protected].
Please join us for the next Hale Charter Academy PTSA meeting on Tuesday, November 16 at 5pm. The meeting will be held in the lunch area at Hale. Please enter through the main entrance on Califa.
Masks must be worn on campus if you plan to attend. All visitors must conduct a self assessment and review the health screening questions upon entrance. We look forward to seeing you there!
Please join us for the next Hale Charter Academy PTSA meeting on Tuesday, January 18th at 5p.m. Please enter through the main entrance on Califa. Masks must be worn on campus if you plan to attend. All visitors must conduct a self assessment and review the health screening questions upon entrance. Please check back frequently in case of any changes. If you have any questions please email [email protected].
We look forward to seeing you there!